I will be going to the Torres islands. It is relatively close to the Banks (same province, Torba), where I went previously, only slightly more remote... it took some time to make that decision, since I thought the Banks was remote enough for me, but I just couldn't help the temptation. From what I heard, in the Torres, most young people have never even seen a truck (which is a relatively common thing here).
There are no mobile communications there and land-line is unreliable. There are 2 numbers however that I leave with you, in case of emergency:
Kamisila resort (where we will be staying, most likely, at least the first night): +678 38599
Public phone in Lunghariki village on Loh Island: +678 38565
These would be the 2 available ways to contact me, and in case you hear of tsunami, cyclone, or anything like that... please do! But most likely they will not work, or no one will pick up... I just have to trust their dubious readings of the sky, or the very reliable "coconut news" or "coconut wireless" :)
When we first went to the Banks, all the Nivans in Port Vila would say "oohh, that's far!" or "that's the 'last place'". So we went there. When we were there, people from the Banks, when asked about Torres would say : "ooooh... that is remote!" or "Torres is the 'last place'", "they are so isolated" :D which was hilarious coming from people living in a small tiny island in the middle of nowhere.
So, given that Vila has not been very inspiring, research wise, and given there was some time left, we organized this trip to the Torres, the "last place" ;)
Ok, I have to finish packing, and of I go again to no showers, no toilets, no news, no communication, no stores, no imported goods buuut plenty of sun, beaches, peace, quiet, friendliness and most importantly... LOBSTER!!!!!
I should be back in Vila the 18th, although rain might change the plans a little bit, since the "airports" are quite sensitive to it.
I just saw these news (down)!! Are you flying back from Torres, Pedro, or are you in the middle of another "adventure"??
"Créé le 13/03/10 à 8h40:
La tempête tropicale Ului s’est formée cette nuit dans le sud-ouest de l’océan Pacifique au nord de l’archipel des îles Vanuatu.
La tempête Ului avec des vents soufflant à 120 km/h en rafale, était localisé à 21h00 GMT à 194 km à l’ouest nord-ouest de Vanuatu. Elle se déplaçait à vers l’ouest nord-ouest à la vitesse moyenne de 3 km/h.
La tempête devrait se renforcer dans les prochains jours.
Des avertissements concernant de forts vents sont maintenant en vigueur pour Sanma et Torres.
Le système va se continuer de se déplacer vers l’ouest nord-ouest au dessus de l’océan, tout en s’éloignant des îles Vanuatu.
14/03/10 à 8h43: En 24 heures, Ului est passé de simple tempête tropicale, à un super cyclone de catégorie maximale sur l'échelle de Saffir Simpson, soit la catégorie 5/5.
Les services météorologiques des îles Salomon ont émis des alertes, puisque le cyclone passe actuellement sur le sud de l'archipel.
À 3h00 GMT, les vents soufflaient à 259 km/h en moyenne, avec des rafales jusqu'à 314 km/h.
Le centre du système était localisé à environ 259 km au nord-ouest de Vanuatu, et il se déplaçait vers l'ouest nord-ouest à la vitesse moyenne de 14 km/h.
La pression estimée à l’intérieur du cyclone est de 918 hpa."